TES 399R Technical Internships Skip to main content

TES 399R Technical Internships

TES 399R Internship - Technical Emphasis - Q&A

Is an internship required? - Yes

What is the number of internship credit hours required? 3

What is the number of non-paid internship work hours required for three credits? 144

What is the number of paid internship work hours required for three credits? 288

Do TES faculty or staff have responsibility to help students find appropriate internship opportunities? No

When may a student submit a proposal for an internship? After officially declaring TES as their major.

What is the proposal process? Complete and submit the form Technology and Engineering Studies 399R Proposal to the CTB Advisement Office at CTBinternships@byu.edu.

When is the proposal due? By the last day to add classes of the semester/term of the internship.

What is the approval process? A TES faculty member gives pre-approval; then the Academic Advisor, Alisha Wall, gives final approval, and issues the student an add code. Approval must be received before work hours counting toward an internship begin. Approval will not be given retroactively.

What are the basic required assignments? Meet agreements specified in the proposal, keep a current time log, provide employer verification of hours worked and tasks completed, and write a written paper summarizing the experience.

When are the assignments due? No later than the last day of BYU classes (before exam prep days).

Who is listed as the internship instructor? Academic Advisor, Alisha Wall

Who determines and submits grades? Academic Advisor, Alisha Wall

How is the internship graded? Pass/Fail