The Technology and Engineering Education (TEE) Master of Science Degree is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in technology and engineering teacher education or related areas. The purpose of this degree program is to enable students to develop writing and research abilities related to technology and engineering education and to be more effective teachers and leaders in an educational setting.
Students in this degree program can choose between a thesis or project option that should be completed within a three-year timeframe. The intent of a thesis is to advance the state of the art while the intent of a project is to apply the state of the art. Students completing a thesis receive 6 credit hours through a research-oriented experience while students completing a project receive 3 credit hours for their effort. The results of a thesis should be publishable as a journal or conference article, while the results of a project may or may not be publishable. In addition, work on a thesis is more likely to be funded than work on a project. Both a thesis and a project are reviewed by and presented to a graduate committee comprised of three faculty members. Expectations regarding the quality of written and oral presentation are the same for both a thesis and a project.
Application Deadlines
Spring/Summer terms: February 1 of the same year Fall Semester: March 1 of the same year Winter Semester: September 1 of previous year
We recommend applying for admittance during Spring or Summer terms, due to limited TEE course offerings during Fall and Winter. If you would like to be admitted during Fall or Winter semesters, please speak with the graduate program coordinator before applying.
Admission Requirements
Required Tests
GRE, (GMAT may be substituted but waivers will not be granted)
Baccalaureate degree in technology and engineering education or related field
Basic sciences background, along with engineering mathematics, computers or electronics or electronics, management, architecture, and manufacturing methods